Upaneeta Boys of Age - 8 to 12 years
Rigveda / Krishna Yajurveda as Swashakhe
Primary Level (First 5 years)
Reading, writing and mode of communication in Samskritam. They will learn Amarakosha, Sahitya and vyakarana based on Ashtadhyayi.
Swashakha Vedadhyana - Rigveda / Krishna Yajurveda, Introduction to Vedangas.
Introduction to Shastras
Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Poorva and Uttara Mimamsa, Shrauta / Smarta Prayoga, Jyotishya and Dharma Shastra.
Wellness / Health - Learning Ayurvedic Sutras, Introduction to Medicinal herbs.
Classes on Indian history, tour of historical places, Study of cultural heritage, conservation of environment, Puranas, Biographies of patriots, saints.
Traditional farming, Cattle farming and management, Gauseva.
Common subjects
Mathematics, Science, English, Computer etc through practical approach.
Advanced Level (Next 7 years)
Vyakarana, Itihasa, Kavya and Sahitya.
In depth Study of Vedas, Kramantha and Salakshana Ghananta in Swashakha.
Nyaya (ancient and modern) Purva Mimamsa, Vedanta (Prasthana Traya)
Shiksha, Vyakarana, Chandassu, Nirukta, Jyotishya, Kalpa (Shrouta and Smarta), Dharma Shastra, Puranas etc., Specialization in any of them.
Veda Bhashya
Veda Kramanta Adhyayana, Veda Bhashya Adhyayana.
Bruhattrayee (Charaka, Sushruta and Ashtanga Hrudaya), Laghuttrayee (Madhava, Nidaana, Sharngadhara Samhitaa and Bhava Prakasha), Practical approach to Medicinal farming and Research on Sasya Dhatu.
A student of Shankara Gurukulam, from the very first day of his twelve years long residential program, studies Vedas, shastras, Samskritam, Ayurveda and transforms himself to be an integral part of the society. With a profound knowledge of oneness with the society and national conscience, provides a selfless service to the nation by becoming a torch bearer, thought leader and a spiritual leader. Creating leaders with such a focal point of learning is the core strength of Shankara Gurukulam.
Unique features of Shankara Gurukulam
Free education for all students including all residential facilities.
Medium of education is Samskritam.
Integrated / holistic learning of all the mentioned subjects.
Students learn real life vocational skills through practical methods.
According to the need of time English, Science and Computer subjects will be introduced.
Along with Shastras students get involved in Krushi and Gausamrakshana activities.
According to their levels of study, students will appear for NIOS and other certification examinations through reputed institutions and will obtain appropriate certifications.
Students acquire a self confident personality through participations in various social programmes, conferences, seminars.
Future Opportunities for students
Research scientist under central government
Professors in National and International universities
Can establish and operate Gurukulam on their own
Shrauta / Smartha prayoga vidwaan
Physical and mental health mentors guided by Traditional Ayurvedic Principles.
Krushi (Medicinal Farming) and Gausamrakshana
Spiritual preacher, Spiritual / Contemporary leader, Yoga teacher, Daivajna
Higher studies in mainstream